Monday, November 16, 2009

it's time to wake up

its been a year since i started blogging and i guess i should update you on me since you met me my senior yr of high school.

I'm a 2009 RHS graduate who is starting college in the winter session. I'm a strong person, well so i'm told, but i tend to fight like hell to keep myself together. i've learned alot about myself since i first started high school and blogging.. I learned I usually run from my problems rather than face them. I cut some people out of my life and honestly im truely happy about it. I learned who is actually there for me when all i need is a rock, and i learned who only wants me in their life when they want something. I have learned to allow myself to like someone so much that i miss em everyday; but i also learned to let go. i have lost some people in my life forever, and i just pray everyday that they are happy in heaven.

So cut all the crap; i know who i am. i learned what can truely break me and how to keep myself together. I may not be the strongest but babyy im strong enough.

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