Sunday, April 25, 2010

it's only a chapter

This, this right here. this time. this time passing. its a chapter in the book of my life.

i keep doing the things i said i wouldn't. && honestly, I keep thinking I'm going to do this or I'm going to do that. Well fuck it. I am going to DO it.

Fuck you if you don't like my choices,
Fuck you if you think i don't live up to YOUR standards.
I'm living for MY standards.

I'm happy, like totally happy.
It might be momentarily, it might be forever-
pain is inevitable but holding it is optional.

Screw worrying who will be pissed off at me next or thinks I shouldn't be friends with someone; i dont care. I couldn't give two shits.

I'm going to go for a walk tomorrow, I'm going to work on losing weight instead of thinking I'll start a track starting on the 1st of next month. I'm starting now.

I'm starting this very second to become the person I want to be-
not the person you want me to be.

I'm going to say a fuck off to those who aren't happy with my or anyone elses choices.

and i can't even begin to tell you how amazingly good it feels :)

Jodi aka Biscuit

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