"Change can be good if you allow it too be. It allows us to look at where we started, where we are today, and everything that we've accomplished along the way."-Rusty S.
"Opinions are different for so many, that it gets tricky because who knows what is true and what is false on some subjects. not everything is true and not everything is false. course im sure many would like to think it is. but that is right there my opinion. haha. opinions make the world go round."-Jodi H.
"The thing is people change, the even become the people they swore they never would. Maybe one day it can become a version of what it was. But all you have is now, live it up and all you have is the people you love and the ones who won't leave for anything. I know it may not sound comforting. but embrace the ones you have, and say i love you because tomorrow it could end. but at least you'll have your happy memories."-Jodi H.
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