Friday, May 27, 2011

giving all my secrets away

1. I'm afraid of job hunting because I hate rejection.
2. I 'm afraid of falling for someone who can't fall back.
3. I'm afraid if I let someone go, it will be my biggest mistake.
4. I'm afraid I'll be on these anti's forever.
5. I'm afraid of alot, but mostly that everyone's right- I won't become anything....

1. I dislike job hunting, because this economy sucks.
2. I dislike having everyone rub it in my face I don't have a job
3. I dislike school, yet I kick ass at it
4. I dislike being in California, yet it's home
5. I dislike feeling bad about myself, which I do some days.

1. I love that feeling when everything goes right.
2. I love not sleeping alone, cuddle addict.
3. I love that I have a total sense of adventure.
4. I love road trips and yelling in German at bad drivers.
5. I love shows/concerts and I need one soon.

If you wanna know more secrets ask away....

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