Friday, September 25, 2009

picking up the pieces

"Maybe the moon's just a whole in the sky
One day at a time my world is shatterin
Maybe the answers to never ask why
As I watch my life unravelin"

Heres everything that's on my mind plain and simple. I'm not super woman nor will i try to be anymore. I know no matter what i need to live life because there's things i cant change. There is one thing i can change though- MY happiness. So i'm living each day as if it's my last.

my Godfather is in stage 4 of cancer, he's in surgery as i sit here typing. He's been so strong through this and i'm proud; but at the same time worried. School starts in the winter. New boy is amazing, although we're currently just friends. I feel like im gaining a piece of myself that I've lost. I'm the strongest person according to most of my friends, yet i break down from time to time. I'm complicated yet so simple. i have the bestestestest friend ever named Jenifer, and we have countless memories. I'm living life the way i want. Things aren't perfect nor do i ever except them to be. So all in all life has been good; but i'm determined to make it GREAT.

its good news; no new cancer, just scar tissue that was messin things up :]

1 comment:

Jen Jen said...

im so proud of you jodi!!! you are an amazing person! and happiness comes when you let go and be free and when you do what you love most!!! i love you!!!