Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the middle

It's coming up in a couple weeks and to be honest I'm not excited.
It's just another day that will come and ago.
The thing that sucks is I am always excited for my birthday.
This year nothing has gone the way I wanted it to.
I'm so over everything compared to last year it's just not fun.
I don't have a job and i fucking look everywhere.
I apply at every fucking place I can, even if it means they hold my resume and app.
I am so tired of not being in the place I want.
I'm tired of not knowing who my real friends are.
I'm tired of just constantly trying to move but I'm stuck in the same place.
"Make yourself miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
I'm tired of being in the middle of that I'm stuck and can't move.
I'm ready to say fuck you all I'm done.
I can't wait to get out of this shitty town and move on.

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